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March 25, 2015. Vista, CA. USA.|Right to left, EUSD's District Superintendent Luis Rankins-Ibarra, Attorny Paul Carelli,  look on during  hearing in the case of a restraining order obtained by the Escondido Union School District against one of their own board members, Jose Fragozo. The restraining order was lifted by the judge in a Vista court room Friday |Photos by Jamie Scott Lytle. Copyright.
March 25, 2015. Vista, CA. USA.|Right to left, EUSD's District Superintendent Luis Rankins-Ibarra, Attorny Paul Carelli, look on during hearing in the case of a restraining order obtained by the Escondido Union School District against one of their own board members, Jose Fragozo. The restraining order was lifted by the judge in a Vista court room Friday |Photos by Jamie Scott Lytle. Copyright.